Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15

I'm going to remember to post TODAY'S Pic today!!

Even tho Alton (and every other school here-abouts) cancelled school today because of the bitter cold, Bethel still had school. The kids weren't please 'cause mom got a day off & they had to go to school. Nick was less disappointed 'cause he had a basketball game. So, we traipsed out into the cold for his game. The JV team is still learning how to play an organized game of basketball. I must admit, they've lost every game but one tournament game & the very first game of the season.

Well, tonight, they won!!!! It was a very good game & the teams were very evenly matched. The final score was 35 to 18. My nephew (who just transferred back to BCA) sank a 3 pointer just before the buzzer. Pretty Awesome!! Nick did at least TOUCH the ball this game. He knocked it out of bounds but, whatever.

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