Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 156

As my shackie friends know, I'm not a fan of either home-made rice krispie treats or marshmallows for that matter! (Ask Sherri about her chasing me around the camp fire w/a marshmallow on a stick!) But, my family loves them (RKT) and every once in a while, I have to overcome my fear of those freaky, sticky, white cylinders & make the treats!

So, I made them but I didn't cut them; everyone cut whatever size they wanted. this was the last "piece" left in the pan. Scott decided it looked like a toothbrush. I thought it looked like the state of Idaho (ok, maybe not a WHOLE lot like it but, you see where I got it, right?) Scott then offered Oklahoma (much more accurate than Idaho) or the letter P. What do YOU see in your RKT???

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